pumpkin apple soup

Water water everywhere!
Today is definitely shaping up to be a day spent inside. Umbrellas will be useless (hello Mary Poppins!) and unless you can somehow cover up from head to toe you are probably going to get wet! Oh these October days. There is always a silver lining to every situation….you just have to find it, so here it goes…#1: Our weather in Ontario is definitely more desirable than where this wind and rain originated from and #2: these days are perfect soup making and consuming days 🙂
How better to enjoy the rain beating off the windows than with a steaming bowl of soup (specifically a bowl of steaming pumpkin apple soup, wink, wink) in hand?? Again, as you know or have noticed by now, this week is dedicated to everything pumpkin (better batten down those pumpkins on your steps…this wind might just be strong enough to send them rolling!). We started with a simple pumpkin pancake recipe (yum!) which is so much better than anything boxed (and really almost as easy) so it seems only natural to move onto a lunch recipe.
Soup is such an easy and forgiving thing to make, it is perfect for both beginners and seasoned cooks to experiment with. Homemade soup is quick and easy to whip up on a morning like this. It (I am talking about homemade here) is also sooo much more nutritious than that canned stuff int he grocery store isle. Are you trying to reduce sodium? Trying to incorporate a health promoting spice into your diet? don’t like mushrooms? have an aversion to a specific spice? No problem-o homemade is endlessly customizable, they options really are endless.
My pumpkin soup is thick and creamy without any added cream. It is bright and vibrant to help drive away the grey-ness of today…enjoy a bowl today and be inspired to nourish purely!
Sue xo
- 1 Tbsp coconut oil
- 1 cup chopped Ontario onion
- 1/2 cup chopped Ontario celery
- 3 cups Ontario pumpkin puree
- 3 cups homemade or low sodium chicken stock
- 2 tbsp unsweetened applesauce
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 cup finely diced ham (optional)
- In a large pot melt coconut oil over medium heat
- Add onion and celery, cook until translucent ~5 minutes
- Add pumpkin, stock, applesauce, ginger and cinnamon
- Heat through, puree and add ham (if using)
- Reheat if necessary